Did you know in the LAIT911 app you can receive a notification every time a certain LAFD apparatus is dispatched?

LAIT911 Premium users gain early insights into high-priority incidents, staying informed before almost anyone else in a city of 3.8 million people. Supporting our non-profit mission, LAIT911 Premium helps us keep the community updated on emergencies in real-time. Your subscription also funds our boots-on-the-ground efforts in disaster response, prevention, and mitigation.

If you haven’t used LAIT911 Premium yet, you’re eligible for a risk-free 7-day trial here.

For users that already have LAIT911 Premium, using our advanced notification features is incredibly simple. To follow a specific apparatus, open the LAIT911 Mobile App, click the Bell icon in the bottom menu, and toggle the tab that says Followed Apparatus. Once you toggle Followed Apparatus, you’ll see a new search box that appears allowing you to search for apparatus by their name or CAD (Computer-Aided Dispatch) ID.

Wondering what units you should follow?

Fire Chief Crowley (FC1)

When the Fire Chief is dispatched to an incident, it’s a strong indicator of the seriousness and scale of the event. Following notifications for the Fire Chief’s movements can provide early warnings of major emergencies, such as significant fires, natural disasters, or large-scale accidents. This information is crucial not only for staying informed but also for making timely decisions about safety, particularly for residents in or near affected areas.

Command Units (CM%%)

Turning on notifications for LAFD Command Units, which oversee entire groups of battalions, is beneficial for understanding large-scale operational coordination across different regions of the city, such as Central, Valley, West, and South divisions. Each Command Unit manages multiple battalions, indicating their involvement in significant city-wide incidents or in complex situations requiring multi-battalion coordination. By following these units, you can gain insights into major emergencies or events that affect large sections of the city, reflecting the scale and scope of operations that impact broad public safety and emergency management strategies.

Battalion Chief (BC%%)

Turning on notifications for Battalion Chief’s are beneficial because this position oversees a group of fire stations and coordinates responses to significant incidents within their battalion. By tracking where a Battalion Chief is dispatched, you can get insights into potentially serious situations nearby. This can help you stay informed about emergencies that could impact traffic, air quality, or safety in your community.

EMS Captain (EM%%)

Turning on notifications for EMS Captains, who oversees medical operations at multiple stations, can be particularly informative. This role is crucial during large-scale incidents, mass casualty incidents (MCIs), and significant traffic collisions, especially those involving city vehicles, which could pose a liability to the city. By following the dispatches of the EMS Captain, you can gain insights into the scale of emergency medical responses and understand when complex, high-stakes medical coordination is required. This helps in appreciating the scope and potential public impact of these incidents, often indicating serious emergencies that require extensive medical and operational resources.

Safety Officer (SO1)

Turning on notifications for the LAFD Safety Officer is key for understanding the safety measures and protocols in place during various incidents. The Safety Officer is dispatched to scenes where there are significant risks to firefighters, emergency personnel, and the public. Their role is critical in assessing hazardous situations, ensuring compliance with safety standards, and preventing accidents during emergency operations. By following the dispatches of the Safety Officer, you can stay informed about the severity and complexity of incidents, as well as the LAFD’s efforts to maintain safety at these scenes, reflecting the importance of their role in protecting both the public and emergency responders.

Risk Management (RM%%)

Turning on notifications for LAFD Risk Management units is crucial for those interested in understanding how the department handles incidents with significant potential liability risks to the city. These units are deployed to large or complex incidents where the scale of operations could lead to substantial financial, legal, or reputational impacts for Los Angeles. By tracking these units, you can gain insight into the management of high-stakes situations, including how risks are mitigated during emergency responses. This information is valuable for those looking to comprehend the broader implications of emergency management, particularly in terms of city liability and safety protocols.

Arson Investigators (AR%% & PH1)

Turning on notifications for Arson Investigators and photographers allows you to track investigations into suspicious fires or incidents believed to involve criminal activity. This unit is called upon when there’s a potential for deliberate fire-setting, or according to other internal policies such as fires resulting in serious injuries or fatalities. Following their activities can provide insights into the safety and crime trends within your community, particularly if there’s an increase in suspected arson cases. This information can be crucial for understanding broader public safety issues in your area.

Heavy Rescue (HR%%)

Following notifications for the Heavy Rescue unit, a 50-ton tow truck equipped with a hook and operated by a crew specialized in extrication, is crucial for staying informed about major accidents and structural collapses. These units are essential for complex rescue operations involving trapped individuals, whether in overturned vehicles, collapsed buildings, or other severe scenarios. By tracking HR3 dispatches, you get real-time updates on significant emergencies that involve life-threatening situations and require specialized intervention, underscoring the severity and urgency of these incidents.


Turning on notifications for Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) units is essential for those interested in monitoring complex rescue operations. These units are tasked similarly to Heavy Rescue (HR3) but focus more on the rescue strategy behind scenarios like major traffic collisions, vehicles over cliffsides, hiker rescues, and structural collapses. By following USAR dispatches, you receive alerts about high-risk incidents that often involve delicate extrication tasks and life-saving efforts in challenging environments. This provides a detailed view of the critical and often hazardous situations these specialized teams handle, highlighting their importance in community safety and emergency response.

PIO (PI%%)

Turning on notifications for Public Information Officers (PIOs) can be especially insightful, as PIOs are dispatched to incidents that are significant and newsworthy. When a PIO is involved, it usually means the incident has broader implications for the community or requires public awareness. By following PIO dispatches, you receive information on major events as they unfold, essentially getting a preview of what might be headline news tomorrow. This allows you to stay ahead of general media reports and receive accurate, timely updates directly from official sources.

Heavy Equipment (HE%%)

Following notifications for Heavy Equipment units, which typically include bulldozers, can be crucial during major incidents requiring significant alterations to the landscape, such as wildfires or large-scale debris removal. These units are deployed to clear paths, create firebreaks, or assist in large-scale rescue operations. By tracking when and where bulldozers are dispatched, you can gain early insight into the severity and scale of ongoing incidents, particularly those that might evolve rapidly and have substantial impacts on large areas.

Air Operations (AO%% & H%%)

Following notifications for Air Operations, which include fire helicopters and airplanes, is essential for keeping tabs on aerial responses to fires and large-scale emergencies. These air units are crucial for providing rapid aerial firefighting capabilities, conducting water drops, performing rescues, and assessing emergency scenes from above. By tracking their dispatches, you can stay informed about the extent and location of wildfires or other emergencies that require an aerial perspective and intervention. This can be particularly vital in situations where ground access is limited or when a rapid response is necessary to save lives and property.

Water Tender (WT%%)

Turning on notifications for Water Tenders is important, especially in areas prone to wildfires or where hydrants are not readily available. Water Tenders carry large volumes of water to fire scenes, crucial for extinguishing fires that are in remote or under-resourced locations. By following their dispatches, you can stay informed about significant fire outbreaks that require substantial water resources, giving you insight into the scale and potential impact of these incidents on your community and the environment.

Hazmat Squad (SQ%%)

Following notifications for Hazmat units is crucial for staying informed about incidents involving hazardous materials. These specialized units respond to emergencies like chemical spills, radioactive exposures, and biohazard situations. Tracking Hazmat dispatches can alert you to potential dangers in your area that might require public health precautions or evacuations. This information is vital for understanding the nature of the threat and the extent of the response, helping you to stay safe and informed about hazardous conditions that could affect public and environmental health.

Your Local Fire Station (T%%, E%%, RA%%, RA8%%)

Following your local fire station can keep you closely informed about incidents in your area, but be aware that this may result in a high volume of notifications. Local stations respond to a wide range of calls, including minor incidents and false alarms. While this provides a comprehensive view of community safety and emergencies, it could also lead to frequent alerts. This is helpful for those who want to stay highly informed about their immediate surroundings but might be overwhelming for others.

To find your local station, click here.


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Want a personalized recommendation of what units to follow? Email [email protected] with your residence or work address.