Recent Fires in Adams-Normandie

Stay informed about fire incidents in the Sepulveda Basin area of Los Angeles with our online incident tracker. Our tracker provides real-time information on all fire-related incidents in the area, including location, date, type, and current status. These incidents may include home fires, commercial structure fires, vegetation/forest fires, or all other fire-related incidents in the Sepulveda Basin area. By keeping an eye on this information, you can take steps to protect yourself and your loved ones from potential hazards. For more information, click the Info link next to any incident or visit our Los Angeles Incident Tracker for additional fire-related incidents.

Call Time Area Address Details
11-28-24 03:11 PM Vegetation Fire 5600 N Woodley Ave Info
11-24-24 03:09 PM Outside Fire 5600 N Woodley Ave Info
11-22-24 08:43 PM Vegetation Fire 15700 W Burbank Blvd Info
11-22-24 04:51 AM Vegetation Fire 5600 N Woodley Ave Info
11-10-24 08:40 AM Vegetation Fire 15700 W Burbank Blvd Info
11-08-24 12:22 AM Vegetation Fire 5600 N Woodley Ave Info
10-23-24 10:32 PM Vehicle Fire 5200 N Hayvenhurst Ave Info
10-23-24 09:36 PM Vehicle Fire 15532 W Victory Blvd Info
10-22-24 12:27 PM Vegetation Fire 6350 N Woodley Ave Info
10-22-24 05:42 AM Vegetation Fire 15700 W Burbank Blvd Info